Come visit us!

Address & Contacts

Musée international d'art naïf de Magog (MIANM)
Part of the building: Centre d'arts visuels de Magog
61, rue Merry Nord, Magog, QC, Canada, J1X 2E7
Phone : 1-819-843-2099
Email :

Opening hours

Summer season (June 5 to September 4): every day, from 10:00 to 17:00
Winter season (September to June): Wednesday to Sunday, from 12:30 to 17:00
Or anytime upon appointment
Closed for year-end Holydays. (end of December, beginning of January)


Free entrance.


MIANM is located in the heart of Magog and of Memphremagog MRC (Eastern Township). This touristic region offers multiple cultural and outdoor activities in a somptuous decor, during all four seasons.


From Montréal by the highway 10 (exit 118) or from Quebec City, through highways 20, 55 (Drummondville) and 10 (exit 118). Exit 118 leads you directly to Merry street and the Museum. Bus from Montreal. (1h40)


Free, in the back.

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