This unique project is part of an ad hoc partnership between two cultural organizations from the Americas, dedicated to the recognition and the appreciation of the naive art sector, MIANM in Canada and FIAN 2020 in Brazil.

MFC project includes two successive and complementary online exhibitions, shared, animated and promoted by the human and technical apparatus of the two partners:

Links for documentation, registration and virtual Exhibitions:

(Nota: Os documentos em português estão disponíveis abaixo)

  1. Rules of participation (For the artists + Regras em Português + Always verify the latest online version before any submission)
  2. Artist agreement of participation (For the artists + Acordo em português)
  3. Direct Access to MIANM online form for registration and photo upload. (Note: Everything is saved simultaneously while typing. Fill in all the sections, send the photo file, check the name confirmation of the latter and press the SUBMIT button to finalize the sending of the form.) Closed on July 13.
  4. Acesso direto do FIAN formulário em português Fechado em 13 de julho.
  5. Visit Exhibition 1 MIANM version (in French & English)
  6. Exhibition 1 in diaporama
  7. Visit Exhibition 2 MIANM version (in French & English)
  8. Visit Exhibition 2 FIAN version (in portuguese)
  9. Exhibition 2 in diaporama
  10. Visit FIAN Web site (in Portuguese)